Your charging stop turns into discovery of the territory with evway

“evway. charge your car, live your life”. Everything revolves around this assumption: charging your car and living the moment.

How many times during an electric trip you had to make a stop to charge and didn’t know how to spend the time? How many times have you found yourself spending hours in the car, waiting for it to be charged to leave?

This is a situation all EV-Drivers have lived – at least once in their “electric” life -… even we of evway. This is why, being ourselves EV-Drivers, we felt the need to offer the user a new service, to enhance the charging stop… How? Through the discovery of the territory.

With evway the charging pauses are no longer “wasted time”, they become opportunities: it is not enough to allow the user to identify the charging station and activate and pay for the service from the App… a plus is needed. The evway App, in fact, in addition to mapping and monitoring over 100,000 European points to check their availability in real time, also shows you the points of interest near the charging station – museums, tourist attractions, shopping centers, restaurants … -, allowing you to take advantage of your charging stop to discover what the territory has to offer.

evway dedicates its own section of the App to “live your life”.

In the dedicated area you can view the coupons at your disposal, the reserved offers and the promotions of the evway partners. You may have to charge in Trento and will receive a free ticket to visit the Castello del Buonconsiglio, to eat in a fast-food chain along Garda Lake and receive a coupon for a free charge at that same facility, or to charge at the fast station of Sommacampagna or that of Franciacorta Outlet Village and receive a coupon to charge your energy too… in short, the App evway pampers you and gives value to your time.

20.08.2019   |  

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