World Mobility Summit 2015: Functional Expansion of CHAdeMO for V2X applications


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Tomoya Imazu
V2HWG leader
CHAdeMO Association

ABSTRACT: Functional Expansion of CHAdeMO for V2X applications

V2X products and standardisation progress
CHAdeMO V2H working group focused on the standardisation of communication expansion and safety in bi-directional operations between EV and charger/discharger for global use, as well as on identifying and documenting grid-connection requirements. The latest V2X specifications are available as of March 2015 and the Association has successfully published the grid-connection requirements for the Japanese market (as grid-connection codes and regulations differ by country). The IEC standards for DC charging stations are now under revision for the second edition, with enhanced bi-directional operations, including the above-mentioned CHAdeMO-V2X specification, and expected to be finalised in the coming few years.

V2X application project examples
Early V2X products in Japan were heavily influenced by the Japan Earthquake in 2011 and therefore were oriented to back-up power supply with EV for home, apartment complexes and business buildings, especially local government offices for improving their resilience to natural disasters. With the fortified interoperability after the publication of the CHAdeMO V2X specifications, some recent V2X applications stay permanently connected to the grid. Some of these products are for private/residential use, others are driven by grid operators.

CHAdeMO V2X certification and grid certification in Japan
As for CHAdeMO chargers, CHAdeMO V2H WG group has defined the test procedures for V2H and V2L products and began certification in March this year. The certification focuses on the safety and interoperability of bi-directional chargers and EVs. On top of this, the grid certification has started in August. As the connection of power regeneration sources to the grid needs special care from the viewpoint of stable grid operations, the CHAdeMO working group and the related industrial associations worked together to establish the test specification and certification procedure for V2H products, based on the Japanese grid-connection code and the certification process implemented for solar power, co-generation, fuel-cell, battery, etc.


Tomoya IMAZU is the technical leader of V2H working group (WG) in Technical Work Group of CHAdeMO Association since 2011, and a member of both the Specifications WG and Certification WG. Having joined Nissan Motor as an engineer for the research of hybrid transmission and high-voltage electric components for electric vehicles, he is now responsible for the charging infrastructure for EVs and PHVs, including world-wide infrastructure deployments and international/local standardisation of EV charging/discharging systems. He is also listed as an expert/observer in IEC61851 (EV charging standard). He holds a master’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Tokyo.


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