Video: Latest gyroscopic Lit C-1 prototype breaks cover

“She has no motorcycle training. Does she need it?” The answer to Lit Motors’ semi-rhetorical question is of course ‘no’, because its gyroscopic car-bike combo doesn’t fall over, even in a side-on collision. It’s also purely electric.

This is the latest version of the C-1, which has been in development for quite a while now. The video – confidently titled ‘The Future of Transportation’ – shows what will be an aerodynamically-bodied capsule of speed (it will have performance comparable to a quick motorcycle) with a reasonably plush interior.

Lit Motors: “We are happy to introduce EP4, our new driving prototype! Over the last year, we have made significant advances in developing our revolutionary technology. We implemented larger gyros (6000 ft-lb of torque), a steer-by-wire system, and we are working on enhancing the exterior design. The next stage of development is to refine the controls system and the driving experience at 100 mph as well as refine our production line. You can see all our latest progress in this video!”


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