MICROSAR Classic Safe entspricht den Anforderungen der ISO 26262 bis ASIL D und eignet sich für den Einsatz in sicherheitsrelevanten Anwendungen bis zum autonomen Fahren. Foto: Vector Informatik GmbH

Vector: Premiere for the world’s first certified basic software for autonomous driving

The independent testing organization exida has once again certified the AUTOSAR basic software MICROSAR Classic Safe from Vector up to the highest level ASIL D. In addition to the regular recertification, another focus was on proving that the MICROSAR Classic Safe basic software fulfills the safety requirements for availability in redundant systems. This means that ECU developers at automotive manufacturers and their suppliers can now use the basic software for autonomous driving functions.

The exida assessors evaluated modules from the various domains of the basic software. They ascertained their freedom from feedback in the memory and the correct implementation of the dedicated safety requirements that ensure the availability of redundant systems. For the first time, the assessors evaluated the new analysis method introduced in the development of MICROSAR, which ensures upper limits for the execution time of the modules. The limitation of the execution time (worst-case execution time) ensures the permanent availability of control commands for steering and braking in autonomous vehicles, for example.

In addition to the scope of the previous assessment, exida evaluated modules for communication via Ethernet and J1939 as well as modules for the secure separation of software on various microprocessor cores. This completes the portfolio for a consistent and high-performance solution for safety-relevant ECUs. As a result, ECU developers receive all relevant modules of Vector’s AUTOSAR basic software with the highest integrity level ASIL D for their safety-relevant projects.

In 2016, MICROSAR Classic Safe was the first AUTOSAR implementation worldwide to be successfully certified according to ISO 26262 up to ASIL D. The second follow-up assessment has now taken place on a regular basis. This was carried out by the independent testing organization exida – an internationally recognized specialist for functional safety – and confirms the high quality of the Vector basic software with the certificate. Vector also already offers a safety-relevant solution for high-performance ECUs based on AUTOSAR Adaptive up to ASIL D. An independent certificate is planned for the end of the year.

31.07.2024   |  

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