UK illustrators come together to broaden appeal of electric vehicles

Vauxhall Motors draws on up-and-coming illustrators to ‘switch up’ the Corsa-e 

  • – Vauxhall Motors has partnered with 24 British Illustrators to bring colour and creativity to the electric vehicle industry
  • – The campaign aims to show that Vauxhall’s first fully electric car is accessible, attainable and fun
  • – Each illustrator has created a bespoke image of the Corsa-e and all 24 images will be pieced together in one bold, digital stop-motion artwork


A new campaign from Vauxhall Motors is ‘switching up’ the electric vehicle industry with a burst of colour and creativity. The eye-catching creative campaign, which sees 24 up-and-coming British Illustrators collaborate to create a digital stop-motion artwork, aims to drive active consideration of Vauxhall’s first electric vehicle, the all new Corsa-e, and get more people excited about electric vehicles in general.

Despite electric vehicle sales growing fast, there is still work to be done when it comes to showcasing the diverse ways and places in which an electric vehicle can be used, and the variety of lifestyles they are suited to. For this campaign each artist was commissioned to create an illustrated world in their own inimitable style, with the Corsa-e sitting centre screen, thus showcasing Vauxahll’s very first electric car in a mind boggling variety of different scenarios each with a unique story behind them. Kyle Platts, known among other things for his ‘Vibe Consultant’ comic strip in the Guardian, provided a frame for the project entitled ‘All Good Signs’. Kyle commented: “My contribution was inspired by my own love for driving around the UK on summer road trips. I wanted to celebrate the exploration of the countryside and all the visual stimulus that it brings, from rolling landscapes to road sign iconography.”

Peter Hope, Marketing Director at Vauxhall Motors commented: “To celebrate the launch of the Corsa-e we wanted to show that electric vehicles can do all the things ICE vehicles can, in the same number of varied scenarios. It’s been fantastic to collaborate with such exciting and diverse British talent to help us get more people talking about zero-emissions vehicles.” Seb Underhill, Creative Director at Creative Communications agency, 33Seconds, commented: “Our goal with this campaign was to break the mould of traditional electric vehicle marketing, providing Vauxhall with an array of incredible, visually arresting images that embody the Corsa-e’s ‘Switch It Up” tagline. The campaign allowed us to tell an authentic story about the car, through the unique perspective of some of the UK’s most exciting creative talent.”

07.11.2020   |  

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