The many opportunities to promote your business with evway

A charging station for electric car is much more than a simple tool to fill up with clean energy because, if combined with a commercial activity, it can open up a wide and interesting range of business opportunities in step with the times. Greater visibility, a considerable increase in the value of the brand and customer engagement, but above all the opportunity to join a rapidly and profoundly growing network: these are the cornerstones of evway’s offer for companies, which want to invest in a clean and conscious future, embracing an increasingly consistent audience.

With over 200,000 stations throughout Europe, from large cities to more rural areas, from motorways to tourist resorts, the territory of the Old Continent is covered in a capillary way by the evway network. Each station is a solid point of reference for EV-Drivers who need to recharge the electric car and at the same time are willing to optimize the wait in an active way, dedicating themselves to other activities such as shopping or tasting a good meal or even exploring the beauty of the area. evway’s offer is all-round: from stations to be easily installed at your facility to promotion on the official application up to inclusion in itineraries.


Why install a charging station at your business

evway makes it very easy to install a charging station at your facility by being able to choose between the different types of the latest generation with interoperability that makes them compatible with users from all over Europe, working on major networks such as Hubject and Gireve. The stations are compact, quick to configure and offer all the necessary and most innovative safety systems.

Each new station is a small beacon that lights up on the map, increasing the value of the brand and multiplying the interaction. Stations can efficiently fill up electric cars as well as other increasingly popular light vehicles such as e-bikes, scooters, quadricycles and wheelchairs for the disabled with clean propulsion. In addition to the evway App for iPhone and Android, the charging station will also appear on the maps and navigators integrated in Audi, BMW, Mercedes and Porsche cars.


The many promotional opportunities on the evway network

The evway proposals for commercial structures that want to promote themselves on the evway network are many and varied, to meet all needs. They are aimed at private users who travel for pleasure or for daily needs, individuals who work and have focused on eco-sustainability and fleet managers who manage electric fleets. A heterogeneous and rapidly growing community.

The starting point is the signaling of the charging station at your business and the next step is guaranteed by various digital marketing services:

● Push notifications: contain notices or links to rewards such as discounts, coupons or promotions. They reach all evway users while charging or regardless of their position with the possibility of targeting on parameters such as localization, language, gender, age;

● Proximity marketing: it relies on geo-tagging, reaching any evway user who is within a predetermined radius near the commercial activity, attracting their stops;

● Couponing: in partnership with local authorities or local businesses, to give vouchers or promotional tickets to users who charge at a station;

● POI: points of interest, near a public charging station, appears on the map as differentiated icon according to the nature of the activity. With a tap, a dedicated page opens with all the information for maximum visibility and interaction;

● Splash screen: a full screen message that appears when the application is opened for 10 seconds;

● Advertising: the promotion of the commercial activity or the product within the page of the more than 50,000 interoperable public charging stations in Europe. You can also insert an image that refers to a landing page or video.

All information and details are available on the dedicated web page:


Insertion of the facility in the suggested itineraries

A third interesting promotion opportunity for businesses is to include their facility in the evway Travel Network, the platform that opens up one of the great advantages of traveling in a clean and eco-sustainable way, namely the possibility of exploring the territory and discover its more or less known beauties. An integral part of the services included for its users, such as the dedicated eMX navigator or the RoutePlanner for planning trips, the Travel Network is a large database where you can freely draw detailed ideas for the next short trip out of town as well as for the weekend or the holiday.

The package of information of the travel itineraries is rich and varied for many suggestions and tips on the pearls of the landscape, the cultural proposals and the succulent suggestions in the food and wine field.

In short, evway offers many ideas to commercial activities that are ready to turn to the future – in large part already present – of clean and conscious travel, with a catalog of promotions and offers to give ample propulsion to visibility, interactions and sharing. of the brand.

04.01.2021   |  

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