Tesla Roadster Road Trip Update: San Jose to Los Angeles on a Single Charge

The Roadster 3.0 package applies what we’ve learned from Model S to Roadster. No new Model S battery pack or major range upgrade is expected in the near term.Bild Roadster Road Trip Update klein

On the one-year anniversary of Tesla’s Cross Country Rally, we set out to drive non-stop from San Jose to Los Angeles on a single charge in a prototype of the Roadster 3.0 upgrade.

As we announced in December, the Roadster 3.0 upgrade will feature enhancements in battery cell technology, aerodynamics, and rolling resistance. These modifications should boost the Roadster’s range by 40 to 50%.

For our first test outing, we evaluated the prototype package on a historic route down the I-5 from our first Tesla store in San Jose to the Santa Monica Pier (via the Tesla Store on the 3rd Street Promenade), a distance of approximately 340 miles.

The trip was smooth, with no disruptions. On the highway, we set cruise control to stay right around the speed limit. We turned on the heater for a 40-minute stretch going over the Grapevine. And less than six hours from leaving San Jose, we pulled into the Santa Monica Pier, with 20 miles remaining in the battery pack.

The drive is a positive step in the evolution of the Roadster. Next up, we’ll apply our learning from the trip to further development work on the vehicle.



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