Mit der Konzeptstudie VISION 7S gibt ŠKODA AUTO einen konkreten Ausblick auf eines der kommenden reinen E-Modelle. Foto: Skoda

Skoda’s accelerated e-offensive: Three new all-electric models by 2026, more to follow

ŠKODA AUTO is presenting its new brand identity as part of NEXT LEVEL – ŠKODA STRATEGY 2030. The focus is on a new design language, a new logo and a comprehensive update of the corporate identity. The Czech carmaker is also accelerating and expanding its e-offensive: ŠKODA AUTO will launch three new pure e-models as early as 2026, with more to follow. The VISION 7S concept study provides a concrete preview of one of these models. By 2030, the share of pure battery electric vehicles in ŠKODA brand sales in Europe is set to rise to over 70 percent. The Czech carmaker is investing a further 5.6 billion euros in e-mobility and 700 million euros in digitalization over the next five years.

31.08.2022   |  

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