Quadrofoil, the most futuristic electric boat arrives in 2015 at 15000 €

Unsinkable two-seater hydrofoil powered by Torqeedo, the foils allow a minimum resistance to water and therefore optimum efficiency.
This Quadrofoil could have remained a concept (as often), but the Slovenian company behind the project has persevered and reveal today the production version of the Quadrofoil.

21 knots with 5.5kW power!

Two versions are available, the Quadrofoil Q2A from € 15,000 and Q2S which is a limited edition of 100 units, more powerful and with more range.The first units to arrive are the Quadrofoil Q2s in March 2015.

2.99m long and 2.5m wide foils included, the Q2S has 10kWh of energy and a 5.5kW motor allowing a maximum speed of 21 knots for a range of 100km.

Weight (structure only) is listed at 100kg (excluding foils, battery and motor…).

Its price is set at € 22,500 but Quadrofoil announces a 1€/hour cost of use.

The most affordable Q2A priced at € 15,000 for a 4.5kWh battery, has a 3.7kW motor and a range of 50km.



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