PwC study: The decade of e-buses has begun

According to PwC’s e-bus radar, almost twice as many buses with zero-emission, electrified drives were on Germany’s roads in 2021 than in the previous year: 1269 compared to 683586 new vehicles were added in 2021. This means that the number of new registrations grew by almost 60 percent compared to 2020 and the 1000 vehicle mark was exceeded for the first time. These are two of the core findings of the fifth E-Bus Radar by the auditing and consulting firm PwC Germany. The analysis looks exclusively at buses with more than eight passenger seats (vehicle class M3) with electrified drives and external energy supply that are considered “clean” or “emission-free” as defined by the European Union’s Clean Vehicles Directive (CVD). Other study details such as: Which German states are pioneers in the operation of electrified buses, in which cities most e-buses are in operation and what it takes to successfully implement the transformation, you can read in the current eMove360° magazine in german language.

19.07.2022   |  

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