Foto: Polestar

Polestar: 125 percent sales increase for the first half of 2022

Polestar, the electric performance car brand listed on the Nasdaq New York Stock Exchange since late June, delivered approximately 21,200 vehicles in the first six months of 2022, more than double the 9,510 vehicles delivered in the same period last year – an increase of nearly 125 percent. Global order intake has increased to more than 50,000 since the beginning of 2022, up more than 350 percent year-over-year, as the company continues to see strong customer demand and has booked the first portion of Hertz orders. This strong performance reinforces Polestar’s goal of delivering 50,000 vehicles for the full year.

Polestar expanded its global footprint from 19 markets to 25 in the first six months of 2022, while the number of retail locations worldwide increased from 103 to 125. Approximately 30 additional retail locations are expected to open by the end of 2022. This increased presence caused the number of test drives to rise by more than 210 percent – a key indication of growing consumer interest in the brand.

The company also announced that it is now moving forward with the introduction of a second shift at the plant following the lengthy government-imposed COVID-19 lockdowns in China in the first half of 2022, which delayed Polestar vehicle production. This is expected to make up for some of the production lost earlier this year and pave the way for future growth. The next big step for Polestar is to enter the SUV segment with the global launch of the Polestar 3 electric performance SUV in October.

14.07.2022   |  

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