Portrait des neuen enercity-Vorstandes, nach der Berufung von Aurelie Alemany als Vorstandvorsitzende am 06.02.2024 in Hannover. V.l.n.r.: Prof. Dr. Marc Hansmann – Mitglied des Vorstands, Aurelie Alemany, die Ab 1. Juli 2024 den Vorstandsvorsitz bei der enercity AG übernehmen wird, Dirk Schulte - Mitglied des Vorstands und Arbeitsdirektor. Foto: enercity / Franz Bischof

Personnel: Aurélie Alemany takes office as new Enercity CEO

Aurélie Alemany officially took over her role as CEO of Enercity on July 1, 2024, strengthening the Management Board with Prof. Dr. Marc Hansmann (Finance and Infrastructure) and Dirk Schulte (Human Resources). The 49-year-old manager was born in France and studied process engineering. She has many years of experience in the chemical and energy sector. Over the past 13 years, she has made a name for herself in the energy world, most recently as CEO of storage manufacturer Senec GmbH. Prior to that, she was Managing Director of Yello Strom GmbH and held various management positions at EnBW.

“One of Enercity’s most important tasks is to drive forward the energy transition in Germany – particularly in Lower Saxony and the Hanover region – and to significantly reduce CO₂ emissions. We will continue to do this at full speed and take advantage of the opportunities offered by a very dynamic market. The digitalization of the energy world is a decisive factor in this. I am convinced that we can only achieve a successful energy transition together with our customers and the dedicated employees at enercity. I am very much looking forward to realizing our goals together with the enercity team,” says CEO Alemany.


01.07.2024   |  

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