Markus Duesmann, Chairman of the Board of Management and Board of Management Member for Product Lines at AUDI AG

Markus Duesmann: “E-mobility is by far the most efficient way to defossilize”

Audi CEO Markus Duesmann speaks at the annual press conference of AUDI AG on the war in Ukraine and the effects on the company’s business activities. How Audi is implementing its e-roadmap, what synergies there are in the closer cooperation between Audi, Bentley, Lamborghini and Ducati and what role China plays in the company’s electrification strategy. Here are some key statements:

About the war in Ukraine…

“We are dismayed and saddened by the ongoing news of the war in Ukraine. Unfortunately, the past few weeks have shown that life in peace and freedom in Europe cannot be taken for granted. We continue to hope for a speedy cessation of hostilities and a return to diplomacy.”

“This war also has an impact on our business operations. The concern has stopped production in and exports to Russia. In a task force, we are working intensively on reducing delivery bottlenecks and securing our supplies as best we can.”

“At the same time, it shows that the necessary move away from fossil fuels has also taken on a security policy dimension and that the energy transition will hopefully accelerate.”

“It is important that politics and business are already dealing with medium- and long-term scenarios together and developing a plan for how to proceed.”

About “Vorsprung 2030” and the e-roadmap …

“E-mobility is by far the most efficient way to defossilize. That is why we are expanding our portfolio to over 20 E models by 2026.”

“The Audi A6 Avant e-tron concept shows how dynamic and elegant the electrically powered luxury class at Audi will look. With the later series model, we are expanding our e-model portfolio in a segment that is crucial for us.”

“Charging has to be as easy as filling up – and ideally even more convenient. With our additional premium fast charging offer, the Audi charging hub, we have successfully started the pilot phase. In the summer we will test a second pilot in Zurich.”

About the collaboration in the Premium brand group…

“Lamborghini and Bentley will clearly benefit from Audi in the transition to e-mobility: these brands would hardly be able to make the investments on their own.”

“Each brand has its own areas of expertise: Lamborghini in lightweight and super sports car construction, Bentley in interior design and high-quality leather and wood processing. We see the differences between the brands as an absolute strength. Audi will also benefit from this.”

“All in all, we expect synergies in the high three-digit million euro range over the next few years.”

About the plans for China…

“The Audi FAW NEV Company plays a central role in our electrification strategy in China. In February we completed the planning and approval phase.”

“Now we can push ahead with the further expansion of the company and start building the new factory. To this end, we are investing 2.6 billion euros in the overall project, including a new plant.”

“From the end of 2024, we will start production of the first locally produced e-models based on the PPE together with our partner FAW. It starts with three models from the Audi A6 e-tron and Q6 e-tron series.”

Further information:


17.03.2022   |  

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