Neuer vollelektrischer Ford Explorer; Produktionsstart bei den Ford-Werken in Köln. Foto: Ford

Cologne Electric Vehicle Center: Series production of the all-electric Ford Explorer launched

Ford has started series production of the all-electric Ford Explorer at the Cologne Electric Vehicle Center. The manufacturer has invested two billion US dollars in the first Ford plant in Europe to be fully geared towards the production of electric vehicles, transforming the traditional Cologne production site into a factory of the future. The Ford Explorer, the first high-volume electric model to roll off the production line at the Cologne Electric Vehicle Center, represents the vanguard of a new generation of electric cars for the European market. In addition, production of a new sporty crossover will start this year as the second electric model from Cologne. The new Explorer is also the first fully electric mass-produced passenger car model that Ford has developed in Europe for Europe. It combines German engineering with American design elements and impressive technical features. Its modern lithium-ion battery enables ranges of over 600 kilometers.

At the Cologne Electric Vehicle Center, Ford uses hundreds of state-of-the-art robots, including artificial intelligence (AI), to help ensure the highest production quality. A “digital twin” of the plant monitors and optimizes all work processes. For example, self-learning machines are among the special features of the new Electric Vehicle Center. Maximum precision, efficiency and quality are guaranteed by more than 600 robots that perform tasks such as welding, cutting, cleaning, painting and fixing. In the newly built control center, the entire production process can be monitored in real time – right down to the number of individual nuts and bolts at a workstation. The so-called “digital twin” of the plant runs on a huge touchscreen. It displays all workstations and the associated information on tooling, material flows, occupational safety and much more. The employees there provide additional information about the status of their workstations via small touchscreens.

The new plant is one of Ford’s most efficient production facilities worldwide. At the same time, the manufacturer has been able to significantly reduce emissions, water consumption and energy requirements. Ford is working on implementing a plan to achieve carbon neutrality for the Cologne Electric Vehicle Center. With the start of production, greenhouse gas emissions data will be monitored and recorded for independent certification to the latest international standards. As part of this plan, Ford will continuously improve CO2 efficiency and reduce GHG emissions to a residual level. The manufacturer already meets the electricity and gas requirements for the plant’s operations entirely from certified renewable electricity and biomethane. Ford Motor Company has set itself the goal of making all European plants, logistics and direct suppliers completely CO2-neutral by 2035. In addition, the company is pursuing several initiatives to further reduce resource consumption in general, including water and energy.

06.06.2024   |  

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