HYON AS: Awarded grant in two R&D contracts for zero-emissions maritime transport

Hyon AS (“Hyon”) has, together with partners, been awarded grants under the PILOT-E scheme for the development and realization of two maritime projects; a high-speed ferry and a short-sea freighter.

The ambitions of both projects are to realize zero-emission propulsion via fuel cells using cost-efficient hydrogen produced from electrolysis based on renewable energy.

The projects where HYON is a partner are:

Project ZEFF – Zero Emission Fast Ferry The vessel will utilise foils that lift the vessel out of the water and will have cruise speed between 25 and 45 knots. The craft will operate without CO2, NOx, SOx and particulate matter emissions. The power to propulsion will be produced by fuel cells fuelled by hydrogen and batteries. The vessel will have approximately 45% less energy consumption than current vessels per passenger-km, and can be made with varying size and capacity, from 100 to 300 passengers.

Project SeaShuttle – Zero emission coastal freighter with automated cargo handling The project goal is to develop and realize profitable emission-free container transport for short-sea market based on hydrogen and fuel cells. The ship concept will be moving transport of cargo from road to sea and will include autonomous cargo handling in achieving cost-effectiveness.

“We’re very proud to announce our participation in these projects. The projects will develop unique solutions for two very interesting maritime markets for hydrogen; the high-speed craft market and the short-sea freighter market. The award shows that Hyon with owners possess technology and competence that are attractive for the maritime market, and that the shipping industry is gaining momentum in driving green solutions, triggered by the PILOT-E scheme,” says Tomas Tronstad, Managing Director of Hyon.

The PILOT-E scheme provides funding for Norwegian trade and industry and has been launched as a collaboration between the Research Council, Innovation Norway and Enova. Final agreements for the grant will be signed early 2019, upon which the project will commence immediately thereafter.

In the development contracts, HYON will use PowerCell as supplier of fuel cells, Hexagon as supplier of hydrogen storage tanks and Nel as supplier of the on-shore hydrogen production and fuelling solutions. Earlier this year, HYON was the first company to receive approval-in-principle from DNV GL of their module-based fuel cell solutions.


18.12.2018   |  

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