Hot phase of the leading awards for sustainable mobility begins

Registration deadlines for the MATERIALICA Award and the eMove360° Award will continue until 31 August 2018.

  • Prominent support for the eMove360° Award for Electromobility & Autonomous Driving
  • Renowned companies and well-known research institutes have already submitted

Munich, August 2018 – Nina Ruge and Hannes Jaenicke are once again Ambassadors of the New Mobility. The actor, author and documentary filmmaker supports with great commitment the eMove360° Award for Electric Mobility & Autonomous Driving 2018. With this most important award for electric & autonomous mobility, MunichExpo is pooling the two major future topics of the automotive industry, which occupy a key position in Germany as well as in many other countries. “My credo has been for a long time: Electric mobility does not cause any noise, does not stink, is environmentally friendly and is simply fun. I continue to stand by this, but I would like to add that we have everything at our disposal today: the knowledge, the technology, the vehicles, the infrastructure and also enough brilliant ideas for a new form of mobility. Let us eventually use these resources, because sustainable mobility is an important part of the ecological heritage that we leave to future generations” said Hannes Jaenicke about his commitment to the New Mobility.

TV journalist Nina Ruge is also a prominent supporter of the international competition. She demands new approaches and fresh ideas for coping with a very big task: “Being open to future models, being open to technology – providing time for transformation and always looking for the best solution for climate protection. Ideological blinkers throw us back. Coping with the future means staying curious, affirming the steady, enormous change – and never losing sight of the vision: making our world a better one. “Robert Metzger, organizer of the eMove360 ° trade fair and initiator of the eMove360 ° Award for Electromobility & Autonomous Driving , sees the award as an ideal platform to bring new ideas to a breakthrough: “Our goal is not only to showcase innovations in this area within the scope of the trade fair, but also to award an international competition and thus contribute to the New mobility makes the step into the mass market. We are all the more pleased that we have again won Nina Ruge and Hannes Jaenicke as prominent ambassadors and laudators for the award ceremony of the eMove360 ° Award 2018. ”

Award ceremony again in the Glyptothek – Award participants at a glance

On the eve of the eMove360 ° Europe 2018 trade fair, which takes place from 16 to 18 October on the grounds of the Munich Trade Fair Center, the award ceremony in the festive atmosphere of the Munich Glyptothek will be the start of an atmospheric event. Companies, universities and research institutions can apply for this international prize. For the first time, there will be a special prize for student submissions in the context of the eMove360 ° Award. At the MATERIALICA Design + Technology Award 2018, which will be held for the 16th time this year, the special prize for student submissions has been part of the program for many years. Students can apply for both prizes for a one-off registration fee of € 30 each for the special category “Student”. The student award is endowed with 1,000 euros each.

For both competitions the registration period ends on 31st August. However, it is sufficient in the first step to return the completed and signed registration form and submit the other required documents.

Applicable for the MATERIALICA Award Design + Technology Award 2018 so far have i.a. Brose, Bamberg (Germany), Canatu, Helsinki (Finland), Covestro, Leverkusen (Germany), europlac, Topoľčany (Slovakia), Freudenberg Sealing Technologies, Weinheim (Germany), Grohe, Düsseldorf (Germany), Institute for Structural Design and Constructive Design, University of Stuttgart (Germany), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe (Germany), LINDBERG eyewear. Åbyhøj (Denmark), MDT Sonnenschutzsysteme, Hardheim (Germany) and Staedtler Mars, Nuremberg (Germany).

Your innovations for the eMove360 ° Award for Electromobility & Autonomous Driving 2018 have submitted u.a. Audi, Ingolstadt (Germany), Blickfeld, Munich (Germany), Daimler, Stuttgart (Germany), easeLINK, Graz (Austria), GreenFlux, Amsterdam (Netherlands), Greenspider, Germering / Munich (Germany), Guangzhou Kingser Electronics, Guangzhou ( China), GVI® by König Metall, Karlsbad-Ittersbach (Germany), Hubject, Berlin (Germany), Juice Technology, Cham (Switzerland), LIONsmart, Garching (Germany), Odo Ride, Belgrade (Serbia), Rytle, Bremen ( Germany), Suncar HK, Zurich (Switzerland) and Tritium, Murarrie (Australia).

The eMove360 ° Europe 2018 will take place from 16.-18. October on the grounds of Messe München, Entrance East. Bookings are currently still possible (

16.08.2018   |  

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