Outstanding innovations wanted! Apply now for the eMove360° Award for Electromobility & Autonomous Driving

Are you a visionary in the mobility and technology industry? Have you developed an innovative solution that revolutionizes the future of locomotion? Then the eMove360° Award for Electromobility & Autonomous Driving is just right for you!

This prestigious award recognizes outstanding projects and innovations that have the potential to change the world. As a participant, you have the chance to present your ideas to a broad audience and gain valuable recognition in your industry.

The eMove360° Award recognizes innovations in the fields of electromobility, autonomous driving, connectivity and energy efficiency.

Why should you participate? The benefits are numerous! Networking opportunities with leading experts, valuable media exposure for your project, the chance to raise awareness among investors and potential partners, and much more. Take advantage of this opportunity to showcase your innovation to the world!

Register now and enter this unique competition. Click on the link below to go to the registration page and get more information.


Show the world that your innovation makes a difference! Apply today for the eMove360° Award for Electromobility & Autonomous Driving!

22.05.2023   |  

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