E-Mobilität, enercity führt Hannovers öffentliche Ladeinfrastruktur auf Platz eins in Deutschland, Ladestation am Parklatz neben dem NDR, Rudolf von Bennigsen Ufer, Foto: Ilona Hottmann

Hanover: German charging points master

Hanover is the German champion when it comes to the number of publicly accessible charging points. Mainly thanks to enercity, Lower Saxony’s state capital, with 136 charging points per 100,000 people, occupies the top spot among Germany’s major cities with over 500,000 inhabitants. In addition, the energy service provider has increased the number of its public charging points tenfold from 47 to 473 since 2019. The expansion was also the aim of the concession to set up the public charging infrastructure in Hanover. The agreement between the city and enercity provided for at least 440 charging points to be set up in public spaces by the end of April 2022. With 473 charging options, 59 of which are for fast charging, enercity has exceeded this goal.

The calculation basis for the ranking among selected major cities are current figures from the Federal Network Agency. Accordingly, as of April 1, 2022, there were a total of 728 publicly accessible charging points from enercity and other operators in Hanover. Based on a population of around 534,000, the calculated factor is 136 charging points per 100,000 people. Stuttgart (119 charging points) and Munich (100 charging points) follow in second and third place.

Over 500 charging points in Hanover by the end of 2022

“Complaints about a lack of loading space are unfounded, because we are rapidly expanding their number. We offer our customers the best conditions for e-mobility and continue our commitment to CO2-free mobility,” says enercity CEO Dr. Susanna Zapreva. “We will continue to keep up the pace of expansion and plan to implement significantly more than 4,500 privately and publicly usable charging points nationwide by the end of 2022, of which more than 500 are public in Hanover alone.” www.enercity.de

02.05.2022   |  

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