Teil für Teil: In der gridX-Produktionsstätte in Aachen setzen Mitarbeiter:innen täglich die IoT-Gateways gridBox zusammen und produzieren so durchschnittlich 350 Stück pro Tag. Foto: gridX

gridX: gridBox production record in Aachen

Europe’s leading smart energy company gridX has achieved a significant increase in productivity in the company’s own production of the IoT gateway gridBox in the 2023 financial year. For 2023 as a whole, the management expects around 43,000 gridBoxes to be manufactured and delivered to partners for the first time. By November 22, almost 40,000 gridBoxes had already left the production facility. The growing customer base of the currently rapidly scaling company will play a major role in increasing the production volume. On top of this, further automation, an expansion of the premises and an increase in the number of staff in the production team are making a positive contribution to the considerable increase in production capacity.

The heart of the energy management system comes from Aachen

In order to meet the ever more demanding production requirements, the gridX production facility moved into a new home at the end of 2022. Since then, it has covered more than 100 square meters at the company’s site in Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia. A 14-strong team is responsible for manufacturing the core component of gridX’s smart energy management system. The small box, which is installed locally at a site as a central control unit and loaded with the smart energy management software, serves as a site’s local connection to the XENON IoT platform. In general, the gridBox ensures that on-site systems, including solar systems, inverters, battery storage systems, heat pumps and charging stations for electric cars, are digitally accessible, networked and intelligently controllable – all while maintaining high security standards.

Essential for the success of the energy transition

The digitalization of various energy systems from different manufacturers on one platform enables the visualization of all energy flows at one location and the intelligent control of the optimal use of all connected energy systems. This is because the smart energy management system developed by gridX combines benefits for consumers and operators with a contribution to the energy transition. Several use cases are possible: By optimizing self-consumption of self-generated solar energy, e-cars, heat pumps or batteries can be operated more sustainably. Smart energy and electricity cost management for dynamic tariffs can save financial resources. In addition, consumers become active participants in energy markets. For example, they can market the flexibility of their own renewable energy resources, such as batteries and solar systems. On top of this, overloads in complex charging infrastructure facilities, including large charging parks, can be effectively prevented and system failure risks minimized.

Successful gridX growth strategy

Almost eight years after the company was founded, gridBox production is still taking place in Germany. The fact that this has now been ramped up significantly in 2023 once again confirms the smart energy expert’s growth strategy. For 2024, the company plans to maintain production productivity at this high level and thus continue to drive forward the digitalization of the energy sector.

22.11.2023   |  

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