Greeting Words to the trade fair eMove360° 2018 – copy

Greeting Words to the trade fair eMove360° 2018

Dear Sir or Madam,

Never before has electromobility been more topical. Vehicle manufacturers as well as electric energy producers, IT service providers, network operators and other industries are facing ever-increasing challenges, for example in air pollution control, but also in resource and climate protection. With its activities in the field of electro-mobility, the Bavarian State Government supports and promotes this alternative drivetrain technology as a forward-looking and environmentally friendly technology.

With connected and automated driving, the automotive industry faces further major challenges. Bavarian companies and scientists play an important role worldwide. We want to further expand Bavaria’s status as a leading high-tech location and therefore support platforms such as the eMove360°, which, as an internationally leading marketplace, promotes the New Mobility with all its opportunities for the economy as well as for our society.

I am very pleased that the eMove360° and its major topic “Mobility of the Future” bring many national and international exhibitors and visitors to Bavaria, but also offer innovative companies and research institutions from Bavaria an important plat-form to present their ideas and solutions for a sustainable, mobile future to the in-ternational trade audience.

Therefore, I am delighted to assume the patronage of the International Trade Fair eMove360° Europe 2018 and the eMove360 ° Award for Electromobility & Autono-mous Driving 2018.

Ilse Aigner, MdL
Bavarian State Minister for Housing, Building and Transport and
Deputy Prime Minister of the State of Bavaria


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