Renault Twizy uf dem Times Sqare in New York. Foto: Renault Z.E.

Goodbye Twizy: After twelve years, Renault stops production of the unconventional city runabout

As handy as a scooter, emission-free, quiet and as easy to drive as a car – with these qualities, the Renault Twizy added a completely new facet with many practical features to urban mobility when it appeared twelve years ago. The unconventional concept of the electric city runabout subsequently won over not only private customers, but also fire departments and police forces. Even a racing version with a Formula 1 look and Formula 1 technology raced around the track. Now the Twizy’s career has reached the home stretch, with production coming to an end in September after twelve years.

When it debuted in 2011, the production version of the electric two-seater combined the advantages of automobiles and scooters in a way that had never been seen before: It meanders through the city emission-free, quietly and agilely like a scooter, but thanks to four wheels, familiar pedals and steering wheel, it can be driven as easily and comfortably as a passenger car. The highlight: driver and passenger sit one behind the other in a highly rigid safety passenger cell.

14.07.2023   |  

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