Fastned introduces fast-charging for only 19 cents per kWh

With the introduction of the new Power subscription EV drivers can fast-charge their car at Fastned for the same price as they charge at home.

With this move Fastned also makes driving electric financially attractive for the 75% of the households in the Netherlands without a private driveway where they can charge. By doing so Fastned is making electric driving accessible to all.

Co-founder Michiel Langezaal: “People with an electric car and a private driveway can charge at home for 19 cents per kWh. People without a driveway often rely on slow public charging poles. Fastned wants all electric drivers to have access to fast and affordable charging infrastructure. With the introduction of the Power subscription, we are bringing the future one step closer by making driving electric accessible to everybody. It is one more step to accelerate the transition to electric mobility.”

With the Fastned Power subscription electric drivers can fast-charge at all – currently 51 – Fastned stations in the Netherlands for just 19 cents per kWh. This fee is based on a monthly subscription fee of 24 euro per month. Fastned does not charge a starting fee per session, a charge-card fee, nor any other other hidden fees.

The monthly cost of 24 euros is quite similar to the cost of private wallbox at home. In The Netherlands, a wallbox including installation usually sets you back around 1.500 euro. On top of this in most cases a monthly subscription fee of around 5 euro is charged by the supplier. Additionaly you will have to cover maintenance and repairs. All combined the investment of a private wallbox will probably cover your Fastned Power subscription for more than six years.

01.08.2016   |  

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