evway the “Best solution for the sustainable fleet”

evway by Route220 was awarded by Mission Fleet as “BEST SOLUTION FOR THE SUSTAINABLE FLEET”.

During the Gala night – held on 19th November at the Excelsior Hotel Gallia, Milan -, there was the cerimony of the MISSION FLEET AWARDS 2019, the Italian award dedicated to car fleets, now in its fourth edition.

The main aim of MFA is to evaluate the best practices in the management of the company fleets and to reward success cases. The award is given every year to fleet managers and to businesses that provide services to company fleets – 15 categories in total – by a jury made up of fleet managers and journalists.

evway ranked first in its category, winning the award for BEST SOLUTION FOR THE SUSTAINABLE FLEET.

The evway solution for fleets was created to support the company in managing the electric fleet and to accompany the drivers on the road. In fact, the platform allows the fleet manager to monitor the charging sessions and receive a single periodic bill for all employees – a fuel card of the electric -, while the company driver with a single tool, the evway App, can view all charging stations in Europe, be guided to destination, activate and pay the charge.

Carolina Solcia, CEO of Route220, is satisfied with this award and underlined how the evway platform can really be a valid support tool for all those companies that want to approach electric mobility. “Initially, the market was divided between companies that provided charging stations without intelligence and companies that created generalist apps and maps of charging points. In this context, evway, an interoperable operator with Europe since 2015, has positioned and differentiated itself. evway has brought management intelligence and added value to the charging time, thus allowing, absolute simplicity and a high level of customization in the management of an electric fleet, also through the use of its integrated navigator.”



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