ENERCONs 350 kW rapid charging station

We are glad to welcome Enercon GmbH as an exhibitor of eMove360° – Mobility 4.0: electric, connected, autonomous, October 16 – 18, 2018, Munich. MunichExpo is approaching the market in 2018 for the second time with a new comprehensive trade fair concept

: The topics electric mobility, mobility concepts & services as well as urban & mobile design will be united under one brand. eMove360° Europe 2018 (October 16-18, 2018, Messe München) International Trade for Mobility 4.0 – electric – connected – autonomous presents the complete range of next generation and sustainable mobility solutions, from Urban & Mobile Design, materials and processing solutions, connected and autonomous driving to electronics and infotainment. Target audience of the exhibition are developers and designers, IT professionals, professional industrial buyers such as fleet managers, decision-makers in cities and communities, touristic regions and service providers.


The prototype of ENERCON’s E-Charger 600 is the most powerful rapid charging solution for e-vehicles available on the market at present. The supplier of system solutions for renewable energies aims to use it to promote the use of renewable energy in the mobility sector, and therefore push on with the energy transition on the roads. The rapid charging station has been installed at the Energy, Education and Experience Centre (EEZ) in Aurich-Sandhorst.

The E-Charger 600 enables rapid charging of next generation e-vehicles. In an ideal scenario, the charger will take approximately 8 minutes to “refuel” an electric car with energy to last 400 km. Up to four charging columns each with a maximum charging capacity of 350 kW ensure that there is always a space available. Charging an e-vehicle is therefore no different to the familiar procedure of filling up at the petrol station today. With this move, ENERCON and its customers are preparing e-mobility for the mass market and enabling battery-driven cars to be used as primary vehicles that can also make longer journeys.
For ENERCON and its customers, the issue of rapid charging opens up additional sales channels for green energy from wind energy converters. At the same time, it represents an ideal way of realising the integrated energy concept so that the energy transition necessary for climate protection can be implemented in other areas as well as the energy system. As a supplier of system solutions for renewable energies, ENERCON is thus creating an “ecosystem” around its core product, the wind energy converter. In the future, this will be expanded with further integrated energy applications such as power-to-gas, battery storage systems and innovative marketing models for wind energy – including from old WECs.

The E-Charger 600 will be launched on the commercial market in spring 2018, starting withGermany and Europe. Preparations for installation of the fi rst serial systems are underway with petrol station operators and utility companies across Germany. Versions of the rapid charging technology for other international markets are also in preparation.

Operator of the fi rst 350 kW rapid charging station at the EEZ will be the Stadtwerke Aurich. It will actively advance the issue of e-mobility in and around Aurich in the coming years. For example, plans have been made to set up a needs-based charging infrastructure in the region which will be supplied with renewable energy. As a co-partner, ENERCON is supporting Stadtwerke Aurich in this project, which represents a positive example of the decentralised energy transition.


27.07.2018   |  

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