EnBW achieves best possible score in latest CDP climate change rating

  • – Sustainable rating agency CDP gives EnBW an A-rating
  • – Rating reflects significantly enhanced integration of climate-related issues into business strategy, sustainable business activities and progress in risk management
  • – CFO Kusterer: “Our goal is to be climate-neutral by 2035”

Karlsruhe. CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project), a globally active non-governmental organisation, has awarded EnBW the best possible score – an A-rating (Leadership Status) – for its commitment to climate action. EnBW thus joins the global top rank of sustainable companies, the Climate Change A-List. Out of a total of 5,800 companies rated worldwide, only 16 companies in Germany have attained this across all sectors. Within the energy sector itself (the ‘electric utilities networks’ category) it is just eight companies in the whole of Europe. A recognised sustainability rating agency, CDP has rated EnBW’s performance and disclosures in relating to climate change ever since 2007 and makes this information available to investors and other interested stakeholders.

EnBW improves in all categories

Key criteria applied by CDP in its annual ratings are the integration of climate-related issues into a company’s business strategy and business activities, management of climate-related opportunities and risks, and emission reduction. These are measured against transparently disclosed targets and indicators. EnBW improved in all categories this year, scoring particularly well with further integration of climate-related issues into business strategy, sustainable business activities and initiatives, and progress in risk management. Thomas Kusterer, EnBW CFO: “The CDP rating confirms our long-running, systematic portfolio transformation towards renewables and sustainable infrastructure. Our declared aim is to be climate-neutral by 2035. We are also convinced that a sustainability strategy consistently integrated into the overall business strategy will lead to greater acceptance on the capital market.” What has been achieved in this challenging year marked by the corona pandemic is particularly impressive, said CDP CEO Paul Simpson. He regards assuming a leadership role in climate action as one of the most important steps a company can take. The A-List, he says, presents companies that are acting today and will shape the economy of the future.

Sustainability an integral part of corporate strategy

EnBW has consistently aligned its business model to sustainability criteria since 2013 and plays a leading role in the restructuring of the energy sector. The focus is on systematic portfolio transformation towards renewables and the attendant expansion of transport and distribution networks together with sustainable mobility products and services and smart infrastructure solutions. By 2025, half of EnBW’s generation portfolio is to consist of renewables. By no later than the end of 2035, EnBW aims to be climate-neutral in its entirety. Parts of the company, like Energiedienst, Gasversorgung Südwest (GVS) and Netze BW will attain this goal much earlier.

Further information on the rating methodology and criteria is provided on the CDP website at https://www.cdp.net/en/companies/companies-scores

16.12.2020   |  

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