Insel Majorsgrund Beach_Bar. Foto: Timo & Jannis Pohl

eMove360° travel tip for the weekend: Ready for your own island

In the current issue of the eMove360° Magazine in german language (download for free) we have a very special travel tip for all those who just want to switch off and enjoy a magical feeling of freedom. Majorsgrund Island in western Finland is an eco-friendly, self-sufficient retreat. All electricity is generated from solar and wind energy. The water is supplied by our own chemical-free water treatment plant. This can produce up to 80 liters of drinking water per hour. The dry toilets are odorless and do not require water or chemicals. All firewood comes from the island’s tree population and new trees are planted every year. Waste separation is a matter of course. A local partner disposes of the garbage after the stay according to regulations.

AND THE BEST: You can rent the entire island directly from the owners, the Munich brothers Jannis and Timo Pohl – from 349 euros per day including a stay in the two houses, the sauna and the bar.

Curious? Then read how the two people from Munich made their dream of their own island come true and how they want to give guests the opportunity to experience the Finnish way of vacationing: to organize “Mökkilife” according to their own rhythm. Here it is self-sufficiency instead of full board, individuality instead of mainstream and reflection instead of tension. More information: General information:

19.03.2022   |  

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