Auf der Terrasse des Leitlhof im Südtiroler Innichen genießen Gäste den Blick auf das mächtige UNESCO-Welterbe Dolomiten. Foto: Montamont

eMove360° Hotel tip of the week: Naturhotel Leitlhof in San Candido

South Tyrol from its natural side – at the Naturhotel Leitlhof, love for the homeland is in the details. The UNESCO World Heritage Dolomites, omnipresent around the accommodation, shape its appearance. Regional materials from the Puster Valley, such as light spruce wood or reddish brook stone, can be found both in the furnishings of the rooms and in the exterior facade. It is similar with the catering of the guests: The products used in the kitchen such as herbs, vegetables and even meat come partly from the own farm. Last, but not least, the Leitlhof is one of the few energy self-sufficient hotels in the world and has already won the World Travel Award in the category “Europe’s Leading Green Hotels” several times for its sustainability concept. Formative for the green philosophy of the hotel was and is owner Stephan Mühlmann, who has been responsible for over ten years for the appreciation of people, animals and nature in his houses. find&book here:

16.08.2023   |  

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