eMove360° Award 2021 Winner of the category Charging & Energy: Silver Atena und Bender with iONiX

As part of the eMove360°Europe 2021 International Trade Fair for Mobility 4.0 electric – connected-autonomous (November 16-18), the finalists of the world’s most important award for new mobility were announced on the evening October 16. The expert jury of the eMove360° Award for electromobility & autonomous driving had nominated the most innovative and promising submissions for mobility. Winner of the category Charging & Energy is Silver Atena und Bender with iOniX.

iONiX stands for fast charging at 25 or 50 kW in a captivating design. Its market positioning is between the Superchargers on the highway and the significantly slower AC chargers. Many well-considered details create  significant benefits for all stakeholders. Peppered with pioneering, safe technology, it is even ready for expected standards and requirements today. When used in public spaces, the iONiX enables charging in everyday situations: while shopping, in a restaurant, during a customer visit – charging is done “on the side”. In the private sector, the smart home/smart energy capability enables property owners to interact perfectly with the in-house energy ecosystem. www.silver-atena.de

17.11.2021   |  

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