eMove360° Award 2021: The winners are….

Exciting and always surprising: As part of eMove360 ° Europe 2021 – International Trade Fair for Mobility 4.0 electric-connected-autonomous (November 16-18), the finalists of one of the most important awards for new mobility were announced yesterday evening. The expert jury of the eMove360° Award for electromobility & autonomous driving had nominated the most innovative and promising submissions for mobility. In the Connectivity & Engineering, Charging & Energy and Automated Driving & Electronics s categories, the jury selected a total of seven companies as finalists.

The winner in the Mobility Connectivity & Engineering category is Stuttgart-based Lapp Mobility GmbH with its small, handy charger for e-cars – the MOBILITY DOCK, which, in combination with any type 2 charging cable, enables the vehicle to be charged from a normal household socket (www.lappmobility.com).

The finalist in the Mobility Connectivity & Engineering category is the start-up Brugg eConnect AG. The company, based in Brugg, Switzerland, is active in electromobility in the field of high power charging and is setting new standards in terms of safety and robustness with the “Compact” charging plug (www.bruggeconnect.com).

The winner in the Charging & Energy category is Silver Atena GmbH and Bender GmbH & Co. KG with iONiX stands for fast charging with 25 or 50 kW in an impressive design (www.silver-atena.de).

The finalist in the Charging & Energy category is the Portuguese company i-charging mobilidate electrica S.A. with their new concept blueberry. Its DynamicblueTM technology brings a disruptive solution to the market. (www.i-charging.pt)

The finalist in the Charging & Energy category is the EVBox Group with the EVBox Troniq Modular, DC fast charging function that, thanks to its flexible architecture, can be adapted to your company with an output of up to 240 kW (www.evbox.com)

The winner in the Automated Driving category is Aurora Labs with its Vehicle Software Intelligence (VSI) solution, which is used in vehicle development in the automotive industry to master the complex challenges of creating, updating and validating software (www.auroralabs.com)

The winner of the Automated Driving Concepts category is KET Karosserie Entwicklung Thurner GmbH with the HAW Hochschule Hamburg with the HCC21 Hamburg Concept Car 2021. (www.ket-muc.com; www.haw-hamburg.de)

Congratulations to all winners.

17.11.2021   |  

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