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Electric Vehicles Help Disabled Drivers Be More Than Mobile 

One in six people in the EU has a disability, according to the European Commission. Despite their disability, many of these individuals are still safe to drive a vehicle and will enjoy the independence that having their very own set of wheels bring. However, some will find that their disability makes driving an ICE vehicle somewhat difficult. But there’s no need for anyone in this situation to give up driving, as a simple solution is to upgrade their ride to an electric vehicle (EV).

Powering up is easy

Filling up a vehicle with petrol or diesel can be a tricky job if you’re disabled with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or a similar ailment. According to the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society, one in three people with RA is disabled. With a fuel pump needing a steady hand and a solid grip, many people with RA avoid doing it until they absolutely have to. But an EV eliminates this problem altogether.

As you don’t need to do anything more than plug-in an EV, there’s no risk of an RA flare-up occurring. This charging method is also beneficial for disabled individuals who have problems standing for any period of time, such as muscular dystrophy or chronic back pain.

A quieter ride

Fuel-powered vehicles are approximately twice as loud as EVs, according to Driving Tests. In fact, they’re so quiet, that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has suggested that EV manufacturers provide consumers with sound choices for their EVs. But the minimal noise that EVs make is beneficial to people with multiple disabilities, including those with tinnitus.

Veterans, for example, are more than three times as likely to experience tinnitus so driving a vehicle that’s less likely to heighten their symptoms is wise. Most veterans who are disabled following active service will qualify for compensation. While this figure will vary depending on the severity of their tinnitus and other injuries they sustained, it’s typically a sizble sum. As EVs are a little more expensive than ICE vehicles, the compensation they’ll receive can be put towards an EV that will keep their tinnitus symptoms at bay.

Cheaper running costs

For someone who is disabled, having access to a vehicle is crucial maintain independence. This then benefits a person’s overall wellbeing, including mental health. But thousands of people with disabilities can’t afford all of the costs of owning a vehicle as they’re already finding it difficult to keep on top of their day-to-day household costs.

Owning an EV is an affordable way for these individuals to stay on the road, with average savings of more than €1,100 per year in fuel alone. Other savings come in the form of less maintenance due to EVs being largely powered by just three main components compared to the countless parts found in an ICE vehicle.

Driving is a crucial aspect of everyday life for people who have disabilities. By switching to an EV, they’ll soon find that the driving experience is a whole lot more comfortable. Plus, the money they’ll save will benefit them in the long run, too.

Jennifer Dawson


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