Hot off the press and digital: The new eMove360° magazine

Today we would like to draw your attention to the current issue of eMove 360° magazine in german language, which you can download for free as a PDF or order as a print version by sending an email to

In view of the depressing headlines on the energy crisis and the never-ending war in Ukraine, we have focused our attention in the first issue of the year on inspiring courageous thinkers, exciting visionaries and their solutions for a decarbonized future. Anything is possible,” say two women in this issue: One of them rode an electric motorcycle along the coast of West Africa from Morocco to South Africa, without technical support, completely on her own. The other is Director Digital Transformation Europe at Aiways and explains why the volume of data to be processed is one of her biggest challenges. Then there’s Reto Fry, who wants to make an entire Swiss region CO₂-neutral with his Greenstyle concept. Finally, Holger Thorsten Schubart explains how he wants to revolutionize electromobility with the Pi-Car, a vehicle that generates its own energy. Already, a town in Lower Bavaria has completely converted its public transportation system to electric mobility, and even underground, in the mining industry, electric mobility has moved in. Finally, as usual, there is again the eMove360°Fahrbericht with a small excursion tip: A joyride with the Volvo XC40 Recharge Pure Electric through the Pfaffenwinkel. Read in!

15.03.2023   |  

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