Doppelrohrauspuff am Auto. Nahaufnahme. Fahrer gibt ordentlich Gas.

The combustion engine is a phased-out model – the FDP will not change anything about it either

The announcement of a German veto against a ban on the sale of new cars with internal combustion engines from 2035 at EU level by Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) comments on Antje von Broock, Managing Director of the Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND):

“The internal combustion engine is a discontinued model. Christian Lindner will not be able to change that either. With an abstention in the EU Environment Council on the important issue of phasing out combustion engines, Germany would be doing a disservice to the companies that have long since made their way towards a battery-electric future. Economic policy must be based on the most innovative and not on those who want to insist on the status quo. That should be clear to the liberals who ranted on campaign posters about “It must not stay the way it is”.

Openness to technology does not mean using all types of drive in all areas, but the most efficient ones. And in the case of passenger cars, this is without a doubt the battery-electric drive. Greens and SPD must now insist on compliance with the agreements, Germany must vote in the EU Environment Council for the Commission proposal and the combustion engine from 2035. Because even with this date, which BUND believes is at least five years too late, it will be a feat of strength to meet the climate targets in transport; will not work without it.”

22.06.2022   |  

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