Kooperation Daimler Buses und ChargePoint, hinten von links: Bernd Mack (Daimler Buses, Head of Customer Services & Parts and Used Vehicles) und Ruud de Windt (ChargePoint, Senior Manager OEM Partnerships, Bus & Transit Europe), vorne von links: Philip Janouch (Daimler Buses, Head of Sales & Product Management Digital Services) und Uwe Münch (ChargePoint, Director Bus & Transit Europe). Cooperation Daimler Buses X ChargePoint, back from left: Bernd Mack (Daimler Buses, Head of Customer Services & Parts and Used Vehicles) and Ruud de Windt (ChargePoint, Senior Manager OEM Partnerships, Bus & Transit Europe), front from left: Philip Janouch (Daimler Buses, Head of Sales & Product Management Digital Services) and Uwe Münch (ChargePoint, Director Bus & Transit Europe).

Daimler Buses and ChargePoint: partnership agreement for the integration of high-quality vehicle data

Daimler Buses and ChargePoint, one of the largest telematics service providers for e-buses in Europe, have signed a partnership agreement. The new partnership will enable transport companies with multi-brand fleets to use vehicle data from Mercedes-Benz and Setra buses and coaches in ChargePoint’s fleet management system without additional hardware and to an extended extent.

Daimler Buses offers its customers a wide range of connectivity solutions with the Omniplus On digital services. There have always been various ways of using digital services: conveniently in the Omniplus On portal or by integrating high-quality vehicle data into telemetry systems from telematics service providers and also via a broad portfolio of partner applications. 15 well-known European providers of telematics and depot management systems are already partners and offer their customers the Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) portfolio to integrate vehicle data from Daimler Buses buses into fleet management systems and thus optimize their fleet analysis and control. Now, with ChargePoint, another major telematics provider is joining them.

The new agreement offers numerous advantages for ChargePoint customers with Mercedes-Benz and Setra buses and coaches in their fleets: The time-consuming installation of additional hardware is no longer necessary because ChargePoint can use the data from the Bus Data Center, with which all Daimler Buses buses are equipped as standard. All that is required is a data package from Omniplus On, which can be booked monthly for each individual bus, and data approval from the transport company.

Another advantage is that the Bus Data Center transmits over 450 data points in real time, for example, as well as all the vehicle’s diagnostic data. It can also receive commands transmitted via mobile radio, for example for preconditioning the eCitaro, thus enabling additional options for the fleet management system.

Last but not least, ChargePoint customers who operate buses from Daimler Buses now benefit from a very high level of data transmission security. This is because Daimler Buses is the first bus manufacturer to homologate its vehicles in accordance with the new international cyber security guideline UN ECE R155. In concrete terms, this means The data is permanently protected against unauthorized access along the entire connectivity route from the vehicle to the Daimler Buses cloud in accordance with very high standards.

28.08.2024   |  

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