BICAR – SmartMobility for SmartCities

Increasing urbanisation and the threat of climate change call for new strategies for a more sustainable town traffic. BICAR represents a unique, pioneering project, created under the leadership of the Centre for Product and Process Development of the University of Applied Science Zurich (ZHAW) as well as numerous partners and mobility experts. The BICAR mobility concept shows how urban mobility can be realised in an efficient and user-centred way – while also being ecologically friendly and energy efficient.

In its functions, degree of comfort, and investment costs, the Bicar is positioned between the conventional universal vehicle, the car, and the good weather option, the (e-)bike. Protected from the weather, and electrically powered, it meets the requirements of typical urban transport, while saving on space, and it has been designed from the start for use in a vehicle sharing scheme.

The ZHAW plans to build a test fleet of at least 20 vehicles as well as the needed infrastructure. This will make the idea tangible and experienceable for the first pilot users. Technology providers, researchers, town planners, investors and mobility enthusiasts are invited to support the BICAR project. The test fleet is to be operated in a town/city in combination with other electric vehicles, in order to answer questions, especially with regard to user behaviour, the technology and new business models.


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