Expansion of renewable energies: Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles (VWN) supports solar project in Spain

Electric vehicles can only make their full contribution to climate protection if they are powered by green electricity during the usage phase. Through cooperations such as the one with the energy provider Statkraft in Tordesillas, VWN will support the balance sheet CO-neutral use of its electric vehicles in the future. The two photovoltaic plants in the Spanish city have a total annual capacity of around 74 million kilowatt hours. Near Valladolid in the Castilla y León region, a total of 100,000 modules on an area of more than 18 hectares convert sunlight into electricity. VWN has set itself the goal in Europe of reducing the CO footprint of all vehicles over their entire life cycle by a total of 40 percent by 2030 compared to 2018. Along this path, the new all-electric ID. Buzz plays a crucial role. The vehicle will be delivered to customers 2in the first markets from fall 2022 in a balance-neutral manner, continuing the series in the all-electric ID. family.

Before the usage phase, the handover is imminent: The ID. Buzz and ID. Buzz Cargo will be delivered in Europe from the fall of 2022 on a carbon-neutral basis. This means offsetting the CO emissions from production at the Hanover plant and the upstream supply chains as well as transport up to the handover to customers, including the first battery charge. The emissions generated up to the handover are offset by shares in certified climate protection projects such as the Kariba REDD+ project (REDD: Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation). Here, nearly 785,000 hectares of forest on the southern shores of Lake Kariba near the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia are being protected from deforestation. It is one of the largest REDD+ projects registered by area and is located between Chiazaira, Matusadona and Mana Pools National Parks. The project connects four national parks as well as eight safari reserves, forming a biodiversity corridor that protects forest areas and numerous endangered species.

“To secure funding for additional wind and solar capacity, we are working specifically with the energy industry to support projects that generate additional green power,” explains Susanne Leifheit, Head of External Relations and Sustainability at VWN. “For us, the project in Spain is another important building block on Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles’ ‘Way to Zero’ – in other words, decarbonization and the design of sustainable mobility,” says Leifheit. www.vwn.presse.de

31.08.2022   |  

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