20 Schnellladepunkte für E-Autos an der A2 bei Lauenau. Weiterer EnBW XXL-Ladepark nimmt Betrieb auf. (Quelle EnBW)

On the A2 near Lauenau: EnBW’s number two rapid charging park in North Rhine-Westphalia

EnBW has taken a fast charging park with 20 HPC charging points (high-power charging) to the EnBW HyperNetz near Lauenau, directly on the A2 east-west traffic axis between Bielefeld and Hanover. “E-cars can charge up to 300 kilowatts at one of these high-performance charging points. Depending on the vehicle, this means charging for 20 minutes for a range of 400 kilometers,” explains Timo Sillober, who, as Chief Sales and Operations Officer, is responsible for electromobility at EnBW, among other things. The quick-charging park in Lauenau is also covered with a photovoltaic system. “Wherever we can implement it structurally, we rely on solar roofs on our charging parks. This has two advantages: Firstly, we don’t leave the drivers out in the rain in the truest sense of the word. On the other hand, we can partly obtain the energy to operate the charging park directly from the roof.” As at all of its charging locations, EnBW also uses 100 percent green electricity in Lauenau for the additional energy required. www.enbw.com

04.05.2022   |  

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