eMove360° whishes you merry chrismas and a happy new year

What a year! After 2020 we thought 2021 would be again a more normal year. But nothing changed, Covid19 became the new normal and made a lot of things more difficult or even impossible. Nevertheless togehter with you we were able to push electric mobility and autonomous driving to the next level. We were able to do a lot of successful live and virtual events. New places to meet and to make business were established.

The eMove360° Digital Hub, 10 eMonday meetings, right after the end of the lockdown the eMove360° Hybrid Berlin Conference in June were held. And finally right before the next lockdown we’ve made it to hold the trade show eMove360° Europe 2021 on a high International level. It was exiting and important to meet again live. A wonderful experience!

The whole eMove360° team says thank you very much to you as exhibitor, partner, attendee or simply as an interessted reader of the eMove360° newsletter. Thank you!

We wish you and your beloved a merry chrismas and a happy, healthy and successful new year 2022!

Best Regards,

Robert Metzger
CEO & Publisher

23.12.2021   |  

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