eMove360° Award 2021 Finalist of the category Charging & Energy: i-charging mobilidate electrica S.A. with blueberry

As part of the eMove360°Europe 2021 International Trade Fair for Mobility 4.0 electric – connected-autonomous (November 16-18), the finalists of the world’s most important award for new mobility were announced on the evening October 16. The expert jury of the eMove360° Award for electromobility & autonomous driving had nominated the most innovative and promising submissions for mobility. Finalist of the category Charging & Energy is i-charging mobilidate electrica S.A. with blueberry.

Powered by i-charing, blueberry is a new concept for charging, its technology, DynamicblueTM, brings to the market a disruptive solution. blueberry is the first fast charger to hit the market with power between  50 kW and 600 kW, featuring three possible configurations: blueberry,  blueberry PLUS and blueberry CLUSTER. This solution allows charging all vehicles currently in circulation, as well as those that will be launched by brands in the future with batteries up to 1000 V. www.i-charging.pt

17.11.2021   |  

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