Nelli Singer is nominated for the MATERIALICA Award 2021 in the category Student

Congrats to Nelli Singer. Your product “Living Beings” is nominated in the category Student for the MATERIALICA Award 2021. I cross my fingers! eMove360° – Mobility 4.0 – electric – connected – autonomous

Living Beings explores the performative properties of wood through textile techniques and enviromental humidity. Wooden veneer is processed into thin filaments and knitted into multi-dimensional objects. When moist, the cellulose based wooden fibers swell and make the textile structure move. The material wood, which may appear to us as rigid and passive, starts to perform and exhibits its temporal and active dimensions. The environment- driven mechanisms of movement are hidden inside the material structure. The material performs by its inner activity, which at first glance seems to us inexplicable like a virtual animation.

01.11.2021   |  

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