CEO Herbert Diess at the Annual General Meeting: “With NEW AUTO, we will reinvent Volkswagen”

The Volkswagen Group considers itself well equipped for a zero-emission and autonomous future of mobility. “With our NEW AUTO strategy, we will reinvent Volkswagen by 2030,” said CEO Herbert Diess at the virtual Annual General Meeting of the Volkswagen Group. “The cars on our roads will be sustainable, safe, smart and ultimately autonomous within the next ten years. Individual mobility has a bright future. With our strong brands and global technology platforms, we have a clear plan to play a leading role in the new world of mobility, too.” Innovativeness, technological expertise, speed and size will gain importance in the future. Backed by its ability to scale platforms globally, the Volkswagen Group intends to further expand its share of the e-mobility market, Diess said. He reaffirmed his conviction that e-mobility is the only way to significantly reduce CO2 emissions in road traffic over the next ten years, and also referred to plans recently presented by the EU Commission. “Our goal is to become the world market leader for e-vehicles,” Diess stated.

27.07.2021   |  

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