Long range and rapid charging: the battery system is at the heart of the Volkswagen ID.3, ID.4 and ID.4 GTX

  • – The core components of the latest e-vehicle generation are manufactured at Volkswagen Group Components in Braunschweig, Germany

  • – Performance variants from 45 kWh02 to 77 kWh0304; range of up to 549 km in the WLTP

  • – Rapid charging with a capacity of up to 125 kW, power for 320 km in 30 minutes


What do the fully electric compact Volkswagen ID.3, the ID.4, which was recently singled out for the “2021 World Car of the Year” award, and the recently presented high-performance model ID.4 GTX have in common? They all have cutting-edge technology on board in the shape of the high-voltage battery system from Volkswagen Group Components in Braunschweig. This makes for strong performance, long range, excellent safety and rapid charging. The demand for attractive and affordable electric vehicles based on the modular electric drive matrix (MEB) is so high that the site recently expanded production to up to 500,000 batteries a year. Thomas Schmall, member of the Group Board of Management for Technology and CEO of Volkswagen Group Components: “The battery is the technical heart of the electric vehicle as it determines driving pleasure, costs, range and charging experience. For this reason it plays a key role for ensuring sustained customer satisfaction in our Group brands.”

Brunswick plant becomes a center for battery systems
Structure of an MEB battery


11.05.2021   |  

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