eMonday Lecture: Traceability for industrial supply chains

eMove360° eMonday Club Meeting November 2020
November 16, 2020

Luise Müller-Hofstede
Client Partner / Strategic Development


“Traceability for industrial supply chains”

With the raise of electric vehicles , the battery demand is set to rocket. As the battery hosts the majority of minerals which are being sourced under conflicted conditions it becomes and already is the center of concern when it comes to human rights and environmental exploitation. But not only in regards to human rights but also CO2 emissions, as 50% of the CO2 emissions are happening within the battery production. – An introduction of Cirulor and our use case with Daimler.


Luise is working as a technology expert in international markets since several years. Her focus always lied on the opportunities that emerging technologies can bring systemic change. Before joining Circulor, Luise co-founded a Berlin based content agency, consulted several businesses in the field of innovation and technologies such as Distributed Ledger, AI and Big data and created partnerships between tech start ups and big corporates. Co-leading the Berlin team she brings a deep understanding of the German market, its regulations, challenges and opportunities.


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