Battery Conference 2020: Speaker: Dr Oscar Miguel Crespo, Director – CIDETEC Energy Storage

Next Generation Lithium Metal Battery Developments

CIDETEC Energy Storage is a R&D institute focusing into creating high value knowledge all though the value chain of advanced batteries, with special focus in industrial cooperation and transference of technology.

One of our recent most significant developments to be shown in this presentation come as a result of a joint research between REPSOL, the largest Spanish energy company – through its Technology Lab, and CIDETEC Energy Storage.

Under this framework we have jointly developed a portfolio of lithium metal battery technologies at the top state of the art, including Lithium Sulphur (LiS) and Lithium Solid Electrolyte (LiSE). In line with the key pre-requisites of this development, both technologies have been validated in several Ah working prototype cells and they are fully scalable.

These technologies reach energy densities as high as 500 Wh/kg for LiS, or 1000 Wg/l for LiSE, with up to more than 300 proven charge/discharge cycles.

The main features of these technologies will be presented in the talk, currently looking for industrial partners to further develop them market-wise.

About Dr. Oscar Miguel:

Dr Oscar Miguel Crespo holds a PhD in Chemistry by the University of the Basque Country (Spain). He joined CIDETEC back in 1999, and currently works as Director of the CIDETEC Energy Storage Institute. He has been involved in energy related industrial research activities for more than 20 years including battery technology generation, transference and product development.
He coordinates a multidisciplinary research team of up to 70 scientists and technologists that combine chemists, electrochemists and engineers, covering the whole batteries value chain from powder to power.
He is heavily involved in the European batteries community. He chairs Working Group 4 on Cell design and Manufacturing within the European Technology and Innovation Platform ETIP Batteries Europe, also representing CIDETEC in other initiatives such as the European Battery Alliance (EBA) and Battery 2030+.
He is also involved in industrial associations such as EMIRI (Energy Materials Industrial Research Initiative) or EGVIA (European Green Vehicles Industrial Association).


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16.10.2020   |  

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