Future Mobility Conference 2020: Speaker: Prof. Dr. Roland Vogt, Wissenschaftlicher Leiter – FOM KCFM KompetenzCentrum Future Mobility

Keynote: MobilityCode – The Solution for your Mobility Communication – Part 1: The LOUDHAILER SCALE

The purpose of this presentation serves as a base of knowledge the main results of the representative survey JobMobility2020 and shows what employers offer to their employees regarding their mobility demands. This is followed by their wishes and future mobility forecast is deviated. With respect to sustainability in car fleet management it is shown what mistakes in pretended reputation enhancing practical sustainable e-mobility car fleet measures followed by wrong marketing communication can occur. This leads to the scientific results of sustainable car fleet managing behaviour and suitable communication. These scientific results manifest in the model of the Loudhailer Scale for marketing usage.

About Prof. Dr. Roland Vogt:

Professor Roland Vogt has been Professor of General Business Administration since September 2016, in particular Strategic Management at the FOM University of Applied Sciences in Munich. Since September 2019 Prof. Vogt also is Head of KCFM – Competence Center for Future Mobility at FOM UAS. He holds a PhD in Business with Management at the University of Plymouth on “Corporate Responsibility, Marketing and Reputation: A Stakeholder Approach for Sustainable Car Fleet Management”.

In addition to his work as Professor, in 2016 the long-time experienced car fleet and mobility expert founded the zegemo Centre of Business Mobility. Zegemo supports companies with business mobility -consulting, -coaching and -training.

Book your conference ticket now: https://www.emove360.com/events/trade-fairs/emove360-hybrid/

14.10.2020   |  

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