Battery Conference 2020: Speaker: Dr. Sebastian Pohlmann, Vice President of Innovation – Skeleton Technologies

High Energy Next Generation Ultracapacitors

Ultracapacitors today have found their place in many different applications where high power densities, safety and the ability to charge at low temperatures are more important than high energy density. However, they still lack the energy density in order to be used in applications where energy is needed longer than for 30 to 60 seconds.

Skeleton Technologies is the first Ultracapacitor producer to significantly increase energy density in industrial grade Ultracapacitors. With its’ proprietary “Curved Graphene” Technology energy density can be more than doubled. This does not only result in lower cost per kWh, it allows Ultracapacitors to be used in a broader set of applications as system sizes can be reduced significantly.

This presentation will delve into the principles of Ultracapacitors and their applications as well as the potential applications unlocked through increased energy density and the application of Curved Graphene. Especially applications within automotive, grid and industrial fields will be discussed. Finally, the presentation will allow a glimpse onto Skeleton’s newly developed “Superbattery” technology, compare it to current Ultracapacitor and LIB technology and outline different application scenarios in the electrification of the automotive sector.

About Mr. Dr. Sebastian Pohlmann:

Dr. Sebastian Pohlmann received a Diploma in Chemistry in 2012 and a PhD in Physical Chemistry from the University of Münster in 2014. In early 2016, he started working for the Skeleton Technologies GmbH, since beginning of 2018 he is its Head of Cell Development, leading one of the largest Ultracapacitor research teams globally. Since April 2020, he has taken the position of VP of Innovation within the company. He has authored and co-authored over 10 publications and patents in the field of Supercapacitors.

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07.10.2020   |  

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