X-mas countdown: Looking for a meaningful Christmas present?

…. How about an annual subscription for employees, customers and suppliers? Until December 31, 2023, you will receive issues 01/2023, 02/2023 and 03/2023 of eMove360° Magazine in german language – Trade Journal for Electromobility & Autonomous Driving as a free gift when you take out an annual subscription. What the recipients can expect: Driving reports on current e-car models, exciting stories about start-ups that are breaking completely new technical ground or developing intelligent concepts for the mobility of tomorrow. Interviews and insights into established companies in the automotive industry that provide practical answers to the pressing questions posed by the transition from fossil fuels to sustainable mobility. And last but not least, regular travel tips for charging personal batteries. Curious to find out more? We look forward to receiving your orders at sabine.metzger@emove360.com and wish you a happy Advent season, your eMove360° team

06.12.2023   |  

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