Computer set showing the mobile payments and online shopping with moni channel screen over the Abstract blurred photo of seminar room with attende background, business and education concept

eMove360° 2020 goes Hybrid – New real location and online

  • eMove360° Hybrid 2020 – conference + exhibition is taking place October 20 – 22, 2020, at the Kohlebunker, MOTORWORLD, in the northern part of Munich, Germany
  • Real trade fair eMove360° Europe 2021 will be held November 16 – 18, 2021, at the Munich trade fair center Messe Muenchen, Entrance East

Munich, August 2020

The times for events like trade shows and therefore for the industry to gain new customers are difficult. Even so we were able to provide an effective communication platform for our exhibitors and visitors this year. eMove360° was able to adjust itself into a new innovative hybrid event, in real and virtual. eMove360° Hybrid 2020, will take place at the planned trade fair dates October 20 – 22, 2020 at the new event location Kohlebunker at the MOTORWORLD, in Munich.

3 Conferences in 2 parallel sessions are joined by a small real exhibition.

In some sessions free speaker slots are still available. We are calling for papers.
Peale find more Details and all programs on

For exhibitors we offer two real + virtual booths and one virtual only booth.

  • Virtual booth: Premium Online-Presentation, Matchmaking
  • Meeting-Point: Virtual booth + real booth with bar table + Roll-up
  • Meeting-Lounge: Virtual booth + real booth with couch corner + Roll-up

The real trade show eMove360° is postponed to next year

The real trade show eMove360° Europe planned originally for this year, instead will be postponed to next year. The force majeure of COVID19 restrictions forced us to do this drastic action. eMove360° Europe 2021 will be held on November 16 – 18, 2021, at the same place, on Messe Muenchen, Entrance East, halls A5 and A6, in parallel to the electronics show PRODUCTRONICA.

The decision was not easy for us and we did it in close consideration with the exhibitor advisory board and based on numerous exhibitor feedbacks. Crucial for this decision were the governmental hygienic regulations (e.g. 1 person per 10sqm) und travel restrictions which prohibit the arrival of our International exhibitors and visitors. The share of International exhibitors is 45% and of International visitors 34%. A trade show which we used to know, and which would be reasonable for exhibitors and visitors couldn’t be held under these circumstances. In addition to this we wouldn’t never know if not a second outbreak would force a total shut down again short to the event, which would cause really high cost.

Let’s go for it!

About eMove360°

The eMove360° International Trade Fair for Mobility 4.0 – electric – connected – autonomous is the leading technology trade and festival fair for electric mobility and connected & autonomous driving. It is also dedicated to sustainable mobility solutions such as car-sharing and intermodal mobility. With its various platforms – the trade show as the annual industry gathering, the eMove360° Award and the MATERIALICA Award, the eMove360° magazine with online news portal, the eMove360° Conferences as well as the eMove360° Club and the e-Monday networking events – eMove360° is the umbrella brand for the New Mobility and international marketplace that brings together supply and demand on a global level. eMove360° is strengthening its position at the forefront of the New Mobility with eMove360° ASIA 2019, presented for the first time from November 13-15, 2019 at COEX Exhibition Center in Seoul, South Korea, and conducted in close collaboration with the Korean Electric Vehicle Association (KEVA) and JEC Composites show.

The focused sectors are: Vehicles (electric, connected, autonomous), Charging & Energy, Infotainment & Connectivity, Automated Driving & Electronics, Battery & Powertrain, Mobility Concepts & Services, Urban & Mobile Design, Materials & Engineering. 34 percent of the visitors and 45 percent of the about 300 exhibitors are International. They underline the International leadership role of eMove360° for the mobility of the future. Visitor target groups of the trade fair are developers, designers and IT experts of the big OEM and TIER1 suppliers, as well as buyers and users, such as fleet managers, decision makers in cities, communities, hotels & tourism and service providers.

For more information please go to

Press Contact
MunichExpo Veranstaltungs GmbH
Robert Metzger
CEO & Publisher
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81677 Munich
Phone: +49 89 322991-11
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18.08.2020   |  

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