#ichargehere -the new project signed evway

“This is the pleasant part of travelling, that even ordinary matters, by their novelty and unexpectedness, often acquire the appearance of an adventure” Italian Journey, Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Emotions, discovery, fun, life… every trip leaves so many memories in each of us.

Now that everything is stopped, that it is not possible to physically travel, we can imagine and remember our places of the heart, perhaps discovered by chance just during that unexpected charging stop …

… “Charge your car, live your life” – our mission – , becomes a new project in which we want to involve you as a protagonist: #ichargehere

A stop you had not planned, an “unknown” place, an unexpected discovery: that restaurant in the Umbrian hinterland, the best chocolate in Turin, that mountain church surrounded by the green of the Dolomites… all places that you would never have found if you weren’t been “forced” to stop to recharge.

Share with us the station that made your heart beat faster and let other evway users know new places around Europe.
Report your favorite charging station or your favorite electric itinerary. Tell us why that station is so special for you: what emotions you felt, what you discovered, how you gave value to your charging time.

Send an email to ioricaricoqui@evway.net tell us your experience, indicate the location of the station and send us some photos.
Contribute to introduce other characteristic places around Europe to other evway users.

We travel together with the imagination and once this emergency is over, we #rechargehere, to your favorite station.


08.04.2020   |  

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