Conference Lecture: chargeBIG – the missing link for battery electric vehicles

eMove360° Future Mobility Conference
October 20 – 22, 2020
Messe München

Sebastian Ewert
Head of Corporate Startup chargeBIG


There are many opinions regarding battery-electric vehicles, especially addressing range anxiety and lack of power grid capability. Charging a fleet of battery-electric vehicles – in a large scale Approach- is possible by applying intelligence to the system. By compensating the peak power limitations of the grid, an intelligent system can feed the necessary energy to the fleet of the electric vehicles, even compensating other electrical loads on the grid. Equipping parking spaces with large scale, affordable and grid-friendly chargeBIG charging infrastructure helps to avoid rage anxiety, because you can charge your vehicle every time it is parked. Charging as fast as necessary, not as fast as possible, is the missing link for battery-electric vehicles.


June 2017 – today
Head of Corporate Startup chargeBIG, MAHLE GmbH
September 2016 – August 2019
Head of Project Management PDP Europe, MAHLE Filtersysteme GmbH
November 2011 – September 2016
Head of Projects – Corporate Advanced Engineering, MAHLE International GmbH

02.03.2020   |  

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