BASF launches new Acrodur® binder for automotive lightweight composites

BASF is launching a new binder – Acrodur® Power 2750 X. The product is designed for the production of natural fiber composites for automotive lightweight applications such as interior car door panels or shelves.

As a low-emission alternative to formaldehyde-based reactive resins, Acrodur Power 2750 X gives natural fiber composites high mechanical stability. At the same time, the product offers thermoplastic processability and, unlike traditional thermoplastic binders based on polypropylene, it allows the use of up to 75 percent natural fibers in lightweight components.Bild BASF führt neues Acrodur®-Bindemittel klein

Environmentally-friendly and health-compatible lightweight components

“Due to the use of Acrodur Power 2750 X, natural fiber components are up to 40 percent lighter than conventional plastic products. This results in cars that consume less fuel and have fewer carbon emissions,“ explains Claus Dallner, Head of Marketing for Dispersions for Fiber Bonding at BASF.

The water-based binder Acrodur Power 2750 X is a health-compatible alternative to conventional formaldehyde-based reactive resins: Neither during processing nor as part of the final product does it release any organic substances. This offers greater safety at work for the user, who no longer needs to invest in exhaust air treatment systems. In addition to this, the binder helps to improve the ambient air quality inside cars.

Making it easier and more cost-effective to produce high- performance components

Natural fibers bonded with Acrodur Power 2750 X can be processed using traditional thermoplastic cold-forming methods and be combined in one single process step with complex plastic elements such as reinforcing ribs or supports. The product helps to save both system and process costs. Acrodur Power 2750 X combines these benefits with great mechanical component stability. Furthermore, the pre-impregnated natural fibers boast a long shelf-life.

“With its novel Acrodur Power 2750 X product BASF offers the automotive and component-supplying industry an innovative, environmentally-friendly solution that preserves resources and helps reduce the weight and costs of natural fiber composites,“ underlines Vice President Jürgen Pfister, responsible for the dispersions business of BASF for adhesives and fiber bonding in Europe. “As a strong development partner in the value chain, equipped with a comprehensive portfolio and far-reaching technical expertise, we help customers all over the world to differentiate from their competitors.”

The low-emission Acrodur binders are used to reinforce natural fiber composites before these can be processed into molded components. They are also used for the production of high quality lightweight applications in the furniture and automotive industry. Due to their 3D plasticity, the binders help create attractive design options with a natural fiber look and feel.


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